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Re: Rogers Cable Access..a follow-up

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Colin R. Telmer wrote:

:On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Richard Morin wrote:
:This is not the case with the Wave in Burlington, Ontario (via CableNet
:which I think leases the technology from Rogers). IP addresses are
:assigned dynamically and therefore dhcpcd is needed. I installed debian
:and configured the network exactly as I would do in my office in Kingston
:(permanently on net, static ip) but when it asked for ip, netmask, etc. I
:just took the defaults (arbitrary addresses shown for example) because I
:did not know what to put there instead. I grabbed the packages necessary
:to get dhcpcd going with only the five base disks installed (netstd,
:linreadline2, ncurses3.0,cpp,dhcpcd) and installed them with dpkg. I then
:installed the dhcpcd package and looked in /etc/dhcpc/* and low and
:behold, dhcpcd had already configured everything to get ip addresses from
:cgocable.net. COOL. nothing else to do. Next, I fired up dselect and used
:the ftp option and I now have a complete 1.3 system. 

This is good to know. :)

:Should some mention of this be put into the installation guide? 
:> Price, when it rolls out is in the $50-60/month range, I knew you'd be
:> curious.....no, I don't work for them..
:This may sound expensive, but when you think about it, it seems fair to
:me. Consider the alternative - installation and monthly charge of a second
:phone line is around CAN$20, an isp is around CAN$20 (?), and considering
:there may be download charges past a certain time limit with the isp
:(and/or restrictions on the time of day) and that wave downloads are much
:faster than standard phone line isps, it could be a bargain. Cheers,

Not to mention the fact that the cable access is about 30-50 times as
fast as dialup (at least, it is here is South Dakota) - your mileage may
vary depending on how the cable co. accesses the internet and whether
they have packet choking enabled

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    nnorman@cfni.com
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