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Re: rsh or ssh and authorization over a masqueraded connection.

On 9 Jun 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

>Christoph Lameter <clameter@miriam.fuller.edu> writes:
>> You need to run keygen and then put your public key on the host you
>> want to reach.  Get rid of the .shosts file and the pain of
>> passwords is gone. You can put your private key on any account you
>> want to use to connect from.
>I had tried that, but that still requires you to type the pass
>phrase.  I'm looking for a method that doesn't.  Normally you can use
>..rhosts or .shosts for this, but I can't get it to work through a
>masqueraded connection.

You can simply decrypt the private key and then no passwords are required.

>The reason I *need* to do this is because I need to be able to access
>a cvs server from the masqueraded machine.

It works just fine over here.

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