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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, John Foster wrote:

> > Midnight Commander (mc) could fill this role.  As it happens the current
> > version is broken to the extent that it does not know how to access .deb
> > files.  There is a bug report on this which is a month old but mc is still
> > useful as it can handle .gz files and the like.
> > 
> > The bug is easily fixed, BTW.  mc_3.5.17-1.deb has two copies of mc.ext. 
> > One is right and one is wrong.  The "right" version is in the wrong place. 
> > If you have this problem mv /etc/mc.ext /etc/mc/
> Good idea. Could a simple question "Are you new to Debian/GNU Linux?"
> be added to the script for the first time run, so that access to mc
> comes in immediately for the newbies. I guess it would require mc,
> curses and some of the docs moving into base though, or for the answer
> to the question to run dpkg (dpkg-ftp) after the system is installed.
> Then mc macros could be added for the newbie, so that they have access
> to those docs.

Coolest idea yet! I remember when Debian (and Linux in general) was a
weird new world for me; MC made it at least fathomable. Relied on it
pretty heavily. Now I seldom use it (except when I wanna dwell in
Nostalgia), but am glad it was there.

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