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Re: rlogin breaks terminal console

> On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > I'v got a strange phenomenon: sometimes when I close the rlogin
> > connection started from console (not xterm), the console appeared to be
> > broken - all the output is confined in the last line of the screen.
> > reset fixes it, but does anyone have reasonable explanation?
> I've encountered the same problem.  It often seems to be related to the 
> use of "pine" on a remote (rlogged-into) machine.  Sometimes running 
> emacs seems to reset it,  but not always.  Under what circumstances have 
> _you_ found this problem?
>                      					Will

Yes, to run "pine" (or actually "pico" in my case) is a guaranteed way to
reproduce this behavior. After leaving "pico"  console is already broken
(while I still rlogged). But I also encouner this and without running
"pico". I have an impression that  tty scroll buffer does not
handle rlogin properly.

Alex Y.

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