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Problems with g++

I'm having problems with g++: when I launch a program I've compiled with
it, I have a segmentation fault; I first thought that it was my program
that was bad, but even if I make a *very* simple program (a Point class,
with a main that just adds a new point and deletes it immediately after),
I get a SEGV signal.
I've tried to find what was wrong with gdb; it says that it comes from
getenv()... even if I don't use getenv !

gcc is; libg++ is /

I guess it's because I've used "unstable" packages, but I'm note sure.
Does anybody knows what's the problem is ?


PS: Oh yes, it compiles without any warnings...
Sébastien Phélep -  Etudiant en deuxième année d'informatique, IUT de Vannes.
phelep@iu-vannes.fr --- phelep@lester.univ-ubs.fr --- seb@kaouenn.univ-ubs.fr

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