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Re: Setting limit on mailbox size with smail

At 05:43 PM 7/06/97 +0800, A. M. Varon wrote:
>> Anyone know how?
>> I want to put a 2/3 Meg limit on mailbox size on a mail server.
>Install quota on your system.

There's another solution that can be implimented along with quotas which
means that it saves bandwidth (if you just install quotas it'll receive the
whole message and bounce the whole thing back) - have a look at the
max_message_size variable in /etc/smail/config .


Karl Ferguson
Tower Networking Pty Ltd   Tel: +61-8-9456-0000     karl@tower.net.au
t/a STAR Online Services   Fax: +61-8-9455-2776     karl@debian.org

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