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Re: Lyx figures and mice

"Kingsley G. Morse Jr." <change@nas.com> writes:


> The User Guide says that the user should click with the center mouse button 
> to popup a dialog box which allows you to insert a postscript figure, but
> it doesn't work for me. In my case, pressing the middle mouse button 
> dumps out Xwindow's paste buffer or nothing, depending on where the pointer
> is.

The User Guide is out of date wrt Lyx 0.10.7.  Almost anywhere it
prompts you to middle click, you should double left click.  (This
applies to footnotes too, for example.)

My .sig is very appropriate in this case.

                Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

	    "Lies, damn lies, and computer documentation."
                                                   - Nick Leverton

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