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Re: StarOffice and Debian

On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, John Kintree wrote:

> It looks like a number of people are successfully running StarOffice on
> Debian Linux.  Is someone working on a .deb package for beta4 with the
> statically linked Motif library?

StarOffice is set up to have a script run from the user's home directory
which sets up the necessary environment.  I haven't looked at what it
might take to debianize that process, but it probably isn't all that easy
to do.   Installing in /usr/local and modifying your .bash_profile (or
whatever your shell uses) to invoke the .sd.sh script is pretty
straightforward however. 

I see that Caldera is now offering StarOffice and possibly alien will
handle their version.

Hopefully more complete english-language documentation and/or help files
will be out soon.

The latest 3.1 is no longer beta.  


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
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