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Installing Debian over Slackware Linux

Hi, all. I'm currently running a version of Slackware Linux (3.2,
updated with the new kernel+libc and some other things). I'm still
relatively new to Linux, so my question may be something that's already
been answered or addressed. If so, please tell me where to look - I've
looked at the install.txt and other documents and still I'm not sure...

how to install Debian over a working Slackware distribution. My floppy
drive doesn't work at the moment, and Slackware is currently supporting
itself, albeit a bit creakily; is it possible to have my Linux box put
in dselect (or whichever packages it needs) to slowly migrate over to a
fully Debian installation?

I realise that may be a bit unrealistic; I'm not expecting to have
absolutely no detritus left over from Slackware, but I'd really rather
not start over from scratch, as I *do* have some things on my drive that
I'd rather not lose, even though I'd benefit from re-installing from
scratch. Please help!

Version: 3.1
GCS/MU/P d? s+:--- a- C++$ UL++>++++ UA++$ P L++>+++ E W++(--) N+ o! K
w++(---) O M-- V(-) PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP- t+ 5+ X-- R+++ tv+ b+++ DI++ D++ G
e>+++ h----(--) r+++ y?

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