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Re: Network setup question again

> Can anybody tell me what is the problem if the computer cannot
> receive packets from other computer? I set all the configuration
> file and IP address, hostname seems ok. I can 'ping'  myself,
> but not other computers, also I can not ping from other computer
> to mine. I am sure the physical connection is ok.
> I figured out that though all the IP setting are fine, it can
>  not find the  MAC (physical ether address) for those computers.
> What else can I do here?

Is your NIC recognized by the kernel?  i.e. if you `cat /proc/net/dev` is
there an eth0 listed?  (On second thought, this should be okay if you can
ping yourself....  However, maybe it's this problem on the other end....)

Run `ifconfig`.  What's happening there?  Post output here.

Moving on....  Do the IP addresses you've assigned match the netmask? 
(i.e. if you're using 192.168.110.x and 192.168.110.y, are you using as your netmask?)

Install the package tcpdump, and run `tcpdump -i eth0` to get a view of the
packets being sent/received on the eth0 interface.  Then switch to another
console screen and try pinging the other box.  Switch back and watch the
output for clues.  (No output means a problem on the local box.  No input
might mean a problem on the other box.)  If the other box is Linux too,
install tcpdump there as well....

Good luck!


Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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