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Re: cfdisk: Cannot seek on disk drive

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Iles <thuja@internauts.ca> writes:

  Michael> I have only one physical drive, a 3.8 gig Quantum Fireball
  Michael> that Linux = correctly detects. (At least I think it does;
  Michael> I can see its name go by = in all the hardware information
  Michael> that Linux prints while starting.) If I = switch to a
  Michael> different console, though, I can't see anything on the
  Michael> drive = (there's nothing in the /target directory). It did
  Michael> read the partition = information _once_ though, so I assume
  Michael> it can see the drive.

  Michael> What's going on here? Can anyone help me on this?

I had exactly the same problem installing onto that type of drive.  I
had to escape to a shell and use "fdisk" to partition the drive rather
than "cfdisk".  It seems that cfdisk has out-of-date routines for
seeking to parts of an IDE drive that are beyond the 2.0 Gb range.
"fdisk" does not share this problem.  It is less friendly than cfdisk
but at least it works.

Hope this helps.

Douglas Bates                            bates@stat.wisc.edu
Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison

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