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Re: example script want

In a message to me, Ted Harding, you wrote:
|"( Re Message From: Lawrence Chim )
|"> Can someone provides me an example script that insert a line
|"> of text into a text file.  The line should be placed below the
|"> line section[xyz] and above the line blahblahblahblah.
|"awk ' {
|"  print $0 ;
|"  if ( $0 == "section[xyz]" ) { print "new line of text" ; }
|"} '
|"Ted.                                    (Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)

awk '{ print }
/section\[xyz\]/ { print "new line of text"; }'
Ronald van Loon (ronald@and.nl)

"I am waiting as fast as I can! I want patience, and I want it *NOW*!"
                                                     - Bethany J. Parkhurst

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