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Re: making disk bootable


How do I install the mbr package? Is it a normal .deb package? Right now 
my /dev/hda does NOT have an MBR... I need to install it in order to use 
lilo. Will liloconf help me out?


On Sat, 23 Nov 1996, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

> Hi,
> > How do I go about inserting an mbr if my current setup isn't using LILO 
> > (and thus hasn't made the hd bootable)?
> You should install lilo in the root-fs partition. Then it will be loaded if
> there is a normal MBR and the partition is activated, or you can install the
> debians mbr package into the MBR. Try to boot from disk and use the liloconf
> for this (both).
> Greetings
> Bernd

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