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Re: Re2: Debian .....

On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, juan j casero wrote:
> > Can someone please help me
> > with this thing?  Where can I get "dpkg-gencontrol"?
> Hi,
> If you are interested:
> * I would recommend to use "rex" (Debian 1.2) instead of "buzz" (Debian
> 1.1). It is "codefreezed" and will be released in a few days (about one
> week or so).
> * There is a simple way to know which Debian package contains a particular
> program. In the Debian mirrors there is a file named "rex/Contents.gz".
> If you download this file you can just type:
> zcat Contents.gz | grep "the.program.you.are.looking.for"
> For example, typing   zcat Contents.gz | grep "dpkg-gencontrol"
> you would get the following output:
> usr/bin/dpkg-gencontrol                                      dpkg-dev
> usr/man/man1/dpkg-gencontrol.1.gz                            dpkg-dev
> So you need the "dpkg-dev" package. The actual file should be something
> like dpkg-dev_etc.etc.

I went over to ftp.debian.org and looked in the rex binary tree and viola
there was dpkg-dev....  However, nowhere in the Debian-1.1 tree is this
package available.  What I got was Debian-1.1.2 that was available at
sunsite.unc.edu a couple weeks ago so I went mad looking for it under
Debian-1.1 but not a trace.  I thank you for helping me see the light.
I can't try it now because I'm on a workstation at school but as soon as I
get home I will try to install the dpkg-dev.... from rex into my
Debian-1.1.2 distribution.  Is it possible to do this?  Will Debian
complain that it is too drastic a change from 1.1.2 to 1.2 and not install
the package?  If so then what options do I have?

> * There is a Debian-only mailing list called "debian-user". Just send the
> word "subscribe" (in the body) to debian-user-request@lists.debian.org. 
> You might want to subscribe and ask questions about Debian there instead
> of here.
> Good luck!
I just joined the list last night.  I should be receiving messages from it


Juan Casero
email: jcaser01@fiu.edu

				- Redeemed by Linux

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