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Printing on different paper trays with Linux?


If I have a printer with 2 paper trays, say one containing envelopes, and the
other containing paper, how can I send a print job to one or the other? I
suppose I would have to set up 2 different print queues. But is there support
for such hardware in Linux? At which level? Is it just a matter of writing a
perl script sending the proper escape sequence (as specified in the doc) before
whatever comes out of ghostscript? Has anyone done this? On which printer?

The only experience I have with such matters is puzzled comments from people
trying to print from Windog on a network HP printer. As the Windox drivers have
a paper-tray selection button, they have a way of conveying the info, but it
ends up with erratic error messages like "No paper in tray 4". Since there is
no such tray, it would all be normal, except that the user selected tray 1...


		Jean Orloff
+++++++++	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	++++++
+Tel:(33)   Fax:(33)  http://lapphp0.in2p3.fr/~orloff/ +
+++++++++	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	++++++
"The tides are a fight between the Earth and moon. All water tends towards the
moon, because there is no water on the moon and nature abhors a vacuum.  I
forget where the sun joins in this fight."
>From science exams at high-school.
+++++++++	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	++++++

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