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Re: I am looking for a program

On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Miguel A. Tang Aranda wrote:

>   Hi everybody:
>               I just start use Linux a few days ago and I was asking 
> myself if there is a packing program that make files in ZIP format and
> where can I found it.
>   Thank a lot.
You can find it in
which by the way is locate in the Physics building, about 50 meters
from where your machine is located.
This in spanish to avoid problems in traslation:

Miguel, el programa que buscas esta en el servidor ftp de la Escuela de
Fisica. Si tienes problemas comunicate conmigo o con Marcelo Magallon
(mmagallo@simula.efis.ucr.ac.cr). Saludos.

<rmag@simula.efis.ucr.ac.cr>  Roberto Magana. Escuela de Fisica UCR.
                        (The Physics Dept. University of Costa Rica.)


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