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E-Mail address

I have a university account (jlillibr@nmsu.edu) and a linux box at
home. My account name is "joe" on the linux box, and I want all
outgoing mail to say it is from jlillibr@nmsu.edu. How would I do


Joe Lillibridge - jlillibr@nmsu.edu - http://web.nmsu.edu/~jlillibr
My PGP fingerprint: 58 7E 84 A6 BC 3A 67 3A 01 F6 F0 F8 10 B6 68 14
PGP Public Key available at http://web.nmsu.edu/~jlillibr/PublicKey.html
If you have PGP, please encrypt all e-mail to me.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-user-REQUEST@lists.debian.org . Trouble? e-mail to Bruce@Pixar.com

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