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Fixed: Latex, Tex, PCMCIA


Thanks to everyone who helped me get this stuff working.  Brian
and Luis got me past the PCMCIA sestup with a little hand
holding.  It seems that I answered the question about being
connected to a network "yes" which meant the networking got
configured at boot time in /etc/init.d/network.  This script gets
run before the PCMCIA stuff gets setup, so when the PCMCIA stuff
gets setup, the routes, gateway, etc are already set, and things
get confused (at least they did for me).  The solution I used was
to remove the setup info from /etc/init.d/network and put it in
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts (thanks Brian).

The rest of the problems regarding latex, tex, etc. were resolved
when I upgraded to libc5_5.4*.

Now I just need to get X working with this laptop docked!

Thanks everybody.

Richard G. Roberto

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Date:Thu, 7 Nov 1996 21:45:44 -0500
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Subject: Re: Moving files to a new partition.  Please help.
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Adam Heath wrote:
> I need to know how to copy the files from the old to the new, without
> having and links destroyed, and without entering the neverending loop with
> regards to '/mnt/mnt/mnt/...'.  All attempts that I  have done have
> resulted in files that links pointed being copies, instead of just making a
> link, and having '/mnt' copied recursively.

Try "cp --archive".  Works great!

... Ami.

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