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Re: dselect with a CD-ROM

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.961015094307.3905C-100000@dwarf.polaris.net>,
Dale Scheetz  <dwarf@polaris.net> wrote:
>On Tue, 15 Oct 1996, Shane McLochlainn wrote:
>> When attempting to install from the CD-ROM it says "Insert the CD-ROM
>> and enter block device
>> name []:"
>> AFAIK it's /dev/cdrom ( a bog-standard ide/adapti that worked under
>> slackware)It doesn't seem to recognise /dev/cdrom and i tried mounting

>Well, the most obvious thing is you are using the wrong device. There is a
>hint in your posting that you are using an ide adapti CD. If this is the
>case (and not scsi) you will need the support built into the kernel, so
>you will probably need to use one of the special kernels (look at the

I though IDE-cdrom were in the standard kernel, but the bootdisk should give
you more information on cdrom-support.

>also need iso9660 support (but I think it is standard). Then try:
>mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdAN /cdrom
>Where A = a,b,c, or d and N = 0, 1, 2 etc

Almost correct: CD's (unlike harddisks, but like floppies) have no partitions.
The device /dev/cdrom does not exist normally: it is just a symlink most of
us use so we can forget about the normal devicename. The devicename the
installation-program wants from you is:

/dev/hda  - if your CD-ROM is the master device on the first controller (highly unlikely)
/dev/hdb  - if your CD-ROM is the slave device on the first controller (quite likely)
/dev/hdc  - if your CD-ROM is the master device on the second controller (also likely)
/dev/hdd  - if your CD-ROM is the slave device on the second controller (also possible)

If you look at the startup-screen when booting linux it probably said where it detected
the CD-ROM drive. (to view the startup-messages later you can switch to the second console
with Alt-F2 and give the command `dmesg').

Hope this helps,
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