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Problems with most in xterm

I have installed an almost uptodate Version of rex.
Starting with an update I have made in the last days most is no longer
working in a xterm, however it runs fine on the console.
I get the following message:

manz@hardy> most .xmodmaprc 
Terminal not powerful enough for SLang.
manz@hardy> echo $term

Here is what I have installed:

Thanks for any hint
                                                     Hartmut Manz
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   _/   _/ _|_/    _/    _/     _/     _/         Tel: +49 (0)711 784 99 - 29
  _/   _/  _|/    _/    _/_/_/   _/_/_/           Fax: +49 (0)711 784 99 - 10

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