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Re: manipulating the From header with smail + elm

On Wed, 9 Oct 1996, Marcel Burggraeve wrote:

> My systemname is debian but my provider has another ( offcourse ;-)
> When I post mail to someone via my provider I want my From header
> looking like : graeve@cistron.nl instead of graeve or graeve@debian.
> I've read all about smail and elm ( I think ) but cannot find a
> solution.
> When I send mail to someone and they want to reply, they are replying
> to graeve ( which was ok if it was local ) but it should be
> graeve@cistron.nl
> How do I achieve this ?
This question has been answered recently by me, but here it is again.
Check out the elmalias manpage, or read /usr/doc/elm/Alias.fmtd.gz
This should give you what you need.



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      Black Creek Critters           e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net

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