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/dev/cua1 - modem problems - HELP!

Oh wise ones,

I am having problems with my modem.  The modem is a PnP modem so I
have to initialize it with a dos PnP driver and then use loadlin to
boot. This is the time line and scenarios:

1)  Had 0.93 w/ 1.2.13 minicom/pppd/chat all worked great, ppp/slhc as
    modules. Modem is /dev/cua1 and is initialized by setserial at irq3.

2)  Upgraded to 1.1 but needed 1.2.13 for a non-debian package. So I
    got the a.out gcc and libs and made a new 1.2.13 kernel.
    Slhc would not load saying it couldn't find kernel_version(a
    variable defined in slhc.c) hence pppd wouldn't work, minicom
    worked. I tried Pppd/slhc as both modules and built in. With the 
    2.0.0 kernel ppp/slhc would load as modules or could be built in
    but when pppd was started it said the kernel did not support PPP! 
    Minicom worked. I had xringd in rc2.d which failed on the 1.2.13
    system but didn't interfere with the 2.0.0 system when using minicom.

3)  Got a new version of the non-debian package that worked on 2.0.x
    kernels. Got the latest kernel-source package from debian, 2.0.6. 
    Made new kernel with ppp/slhc as modules. Same result as #2. Tried
    ppp/slhc built in, same result as #2.

4)  Decided to try latest kernel 2.0.20.  Built the new kernel with
    ppp/slhc as modules. Now when I tried minicom it said that
    that /dev/cua1 was busy!? I stopped xringd and minicom loaded but
    would not dial out.  When I exit minicom the modem flashes,
    ie. off hook for a split second.  Tried pppd and it loaded but
    chat did the same thing with the modem, wouldn't dial out but when
    it timed out on failure the modem flashed.  I removed xringd from
    rc2.d with no luck.

5)  I decided to boot with earlier kernels that I still had, all are
    now doing the same thing as in #4!!!!!!!!!!  So I figured that
    some how /dev/cua1 got hosed so I did a MAKEDEV on ttyS1 and that 
    did not fix it.

HELP!  The modem works fine under Win95 although it says it is COM3 at
IRQ 11.  I can't even dial out with minicom no.  Should I reinstall
the base package?  How can a kernel hose the com port or other devices
which it only uses and doesn't install?  I am really desperate here!!

Brian Servis

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