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Re: Daylight Savings Time problem

On 9 Apr 1996, Kai Henningsen wrote:

> gerry@blue.intele.net (Gerry Jensen)  wrote on 08.04.96 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.91.960408114136.18571A-100000@blue.intele.net>:
> I don't know about the US timezones, but the European ones have a nifty  
> method for finding the right one: there's a directory Europe, below which  
> you find some well-known cities. You usually pick one you know has the  
> same zone as you.

It's just the same for Latin America.  Usually, this part of the world is
considered a forgotten corner by almost every software package, but Debian
0.93 offered my a well configured Bogota (Colombia) time zone.  Really

Martin A. Soto J.                           Profesor
Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes      masoto@uniandes.edu.co

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