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Re: Debian vs. BOGUS

Karl Eichwalder writes:

>>Sure; but why does that mean it has to be in the output from dpkg?
>If nobody likes the idea (or it's too complicate to implement) --
>forget about it.  But I'm sure, it's useful.

Only humans will need to read it, and most humans will never need to
read it.  I think things are fine as they are here.

>>We already do this on ftp.debian.org, modulo Debianising diffs.  Are
>>you suggesting we do this for upstream sources as well?
>Since you are asking: Yes, of course, e.g.,
>    FTP: ftp.debian.org:/.../untouched-sources/vixie-cron-3.x.tar.gz

You can get the untouched source just by taking the Debianised source
archive and the diff, and then using patch -R.  Not having to apply a
patch is a very small gain for the extra cost in terms of
administration and disc space.

Richard Kettlewell
<richard@elmail.co.uk>                   http://www.elmail.co.uk/staff/richard/

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