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Re: Installation Using SLIP

  Mark Rollins writes:
  Mark> Is there a more robust version of dpkg that can do this reliably
  Mark> (ie. go and get the files that don't transfer properly) ?

IMHO it is not dpkg's fault when you NFS over a phone line and get
transmission errors.

  Mark> My hard drive is only 128MB, so I can't ftp everything over first and
  Mark> then install locally.

Think about your needs. You can really rock&roll with the three base disks 
plus, according to your needs
	- an editor from binary/editors
	- netbase and netstd from binary/net
Then sort out (C)SLIP over the phone and ftp home what you need.

  Mark> I have access to a laptop that I could borrow - is it possible to due
  Mark> an installation from the laptop to my PC using the serial ports ?

Yes, I bootstrapped Debian from one PC to another using a parallel "laplink"
cable and the PLIP driver. See the NET-2 HOWTO or ask me in private mail.

Dirk.Eddelbuettel@qed.econ.queensu.ca          http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd 

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