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Re: Fw: Guardar conversaciones en ejabberd 2.0.1

El día 13 de noviembre de 2009 11:43, cosme <cosme@gecgr.co.cu> escribió:
> Socio uso lenny pero solo tengo la consola no tengo el grafico estuve
> probando con los navegadores links2 pero no me deja entrar a los https, que
> navegador me aconsejas para poder dercagcar ese modulo??
fijate que los enlaces que te mandé son http... supongo que igual no
te deja entrar por la restricción que tienen. Te copio aquí el texto
de esas páginas:

Download and install contributions from ejabberd-modules SVN
Submitted by badlop on Tue, 2006-12-05 17:32

ejabberd-modules is a SVN repository for ejabberd contributions hosted
by Process-one. This brief tutorial tells the basic steps to download,
compile and install contributions hosted on that SVN repository.

   1. Initial checkout, to get the most recent version of all modules:

      svn co https://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd-modules

   2. Go to the directory of the contribution you are interested in, for example
      cd ejabberd-modules/mod_archive/trunk

   3. Read the module specific README to see if special steps are
needed to deploy it.
   4. Compile the module
          * On GNU/Linux, *BSD, etc


          * On Windows


   5. Copy generated .beam files from the ebin directory to the
directory where your ejabberd .beam files are.
   6. Check README.txt or use the configuration file example provided
in the conf dir to update your ejabberd.cfg configuration file.
   7. Now start ejabberd. If there's a problem, probably ejabberd log
files will report an error message.
   8. If sometime on the future you want to update to the newer SVN
version, just execute:

      svn up

y el módulo que te interesa (en el paso 2) es mod_log_chat

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