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Motion en Testing

Lista; venia utilizando motion en mi Lenny ahora al pasar a Squeeze veo que no se encuentra en los repositorios, opte por instalar (via dpkg) la version de Lenny y cuando se ejecuta luego de un par de minutos de da un error "excepcion coma flotante" ahora revisando la info veo que 



    * The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy (Standards-Version 3.8.1 instead of 3.8.0).
    * The BTS contains patches fixing 1 bug, consider including or untagging it.


    * The package has not yet entered testing even though the 10-day delay is over. Check why.
    * There were override disparities found in suite unstable:
          o motion: Override says video - optional, .deb says graphics - optional

Testing status

    * 120 days old (needed 10 days)
    * Ignoring high urgency setting for NEW package

       (cortado el resto de la pagina...)

Why is package X not in testing yet?


FYI: The status of the motion source package
in Debian's testing distribution has changed.

  Previous version: 3.2.11-1
  Current version:  (not in testing)
  Hint: <http://release.debian.org/britney/hints/adeodato>

The script that generates this mail tries to extract removal
reasons from comments in the britney hint files. Those comments
were not originally meant to be machine readable, so if the
reason for removing your package seems to be nonsense, it is
probably the reporting script that got confused. Please check the
actual hints file before you complain about meaningless removals.

                 Por tanto no esta disponible, hasta nuevo aviso(?) por lo que entiendo el problema viene desde marzo aproximadamente. Por favor corrijanme si me equivoco y si alguien tiene pista de cuando podria estar en testing y funcionando.



        ( @   @ )
------oOOo-( )---oOOo--------
|     Ricardo Delgado       |
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    ooo0        (   )
    (  )         ) /
     \ (        (_/

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