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Re: Problema con Unidad de CD

El lun, 27-08-2007 a las 23:56 -0600, Marconi Poveda escribió:
> Hola,
> Tengo un problema al intentar montar la unidad de cd me manda el
> siguiente error diciendo que lea dmesg:
> desktop:/home/lxuser# dmesg | tail
> hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } 
> hdc: command error: error=0x50 { LastFailedSense=0x05 }
> ide: failed opcode was: unknown
> ATAPI device hdc:
>   Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
>   (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x24, ascq=0x10)
>   The failed "Read 10" packet command was: 
>   "28 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
> end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 64
> isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hdc, iso_blknum=16, block=16
> desktop:/home/lxuser# 
> Lo que hice fue cambiar una unidad de DVD por una de CD que es la que
> tengo actualmente pero no puedo montar ningun disco :( 
> Saludos, espero alguien me pueda ayudar.

1) asegúrate que la unidad está fisícamente bien (p. ej. mirando que no
sale lo mismo en el dmsg desde un livecd)

2) asegúrate, que los cables, jumpers, conectores, etc están bien

3) asegúrate de que tu controladora IDE, no requiere algún parámetro
especial (lspci, google y /usr/srv/linux/Documentation)

4) Puedes usar alguna de las muchas opciones que te pego al final del
mensaje, en la línea de arranque

5) puedes usar hdparm, para fijar la velocidad del CD, su uso de PIO,
DMA, etc (si deshabilitas el dma para todo el subsistema IDE, tus discos
duros IDE irán leeeeentos)

6) dudo que en fstabtengas nada raro, esta es la línea correspondiente a
mi DVD:
/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0
Para un CD, el sobraría el "udf,"


Summary of ide driver parameters for kernel command line

 "hdx="  is recognized for all "x" from "a" to "h", such as "hdc".

 "idex=" is recognized for all "x" from "0" to "3", such as "ide1".

 "hdx=noprobe"          : drive may be present, but do not probe for it

 "hdx=none"             : drive is NOT present, ignore cmos and do not

 "hdx=nowerr"           : ignore the WRERR_STAT bit on this drive

 "hdx=cdrom"            : drive is present, and is a cdrom drive

 "hdx=cyl,head,sect"    : disk drive is present, with specified geometry

 "hdx=remap"            : remap access of sector 0 to sector 1 (for

 "hdx=remap63"          : remap the drive: add 63 to all sector numbers
                          (for DM OnTrack)

 "hdx=autotune"         : driver will attempt to tune interface speed
                          to the fastest PIO mode supported,
                          if possible for this drive only.
                          Not fully supported by all chipset types,
                          and quite likely to cause trouble with
                          older/odd IDE drives.

 "hdx=swapdata"         : when the drive is a disk, byte swap all data

 "hdx=bswap"            : same as above..........

 "hdx=scsi"             : the return of the ide-scsi flag, this is
useful for
                          allowing ide-floppy, ide-tape, and ide-cdrom|
                          to use ide-scsi emulation on a device specific

 "idebus=xx"            : inform IDE driver of VESA/PCI bus speed in
                          where "xx" is between 20 and 66 inclusive,
                          used when tuning chipset PIO modes.
                          For PCI bus, 25 is correct for a P75 system,
                          30 is correct for P90,P120,P180 systems,
                          and 33 is used for P100,P133,P166 systems.
                          If in doubt, use idebus=33 for PCI.
                          As for VLB, it is safest to not specify it.
                          Bigger values are safer than smaller ones.

 "idex=noprobe"         : do not attempt to access/use this interface

 "idex=base"            : probe for an interface at the addr specified,
                          where "base" is usually 0x1f0 or 0x170
                          and "ctl" is assumed to be "base"+0x206

 "idex=base,ctl"        : specify both base and ctl

 "idex=base,ctl,irq"    : specify base, ctl, and irq number

 "idex=autotune"        : driver will attempt to tune interface speed
                          to the fastest PIO mode supported,
                          for all drives on this interface.
                          Not fully supported by all chipset types,
                          and quite likely to cause trouble with
                          older/odd IDE drives.

 "idex=noautotune"      : driver will NOT attempt to tune interface
                          This is the default for most chipsets,
                          except the cmd640.

 "idex=serialize"       : do not overlap operations on idex. Please note
                          that you will have to specify this option for
                          both the respective primary and secondary
                          to take effect.

 "idex=four"            : four drives on idex and ide(x^1) share same

 "idex=reset"           : reset interface after probe

 "idex=dma"             : automatically configure/use DMA if possible.

 "idex=ata66"           : informs the interface that it has an 80c cable
                          for chipsets that are ATA-66 capable, but the
                          ability to bit test for detection is currently

 "ide=reverse"          : formerly called to pci sub-system, but now

 "ide=nodma"            : disable DMA globally for the IDE subsystem.

The following are valid ONLY on ide0, which usually corresponds
to the first ATA interface found on the particular host, and the
defaults for
the base,ctl ports must not be altered.

 "ide0=dtc2278"         : probe/support DTC2278 interface
 "ide0=ht6560b"         : probe/support HT6560B interface
 "ide0=cmd640_vlb"      : *REQUIRED* for VLB cards with the CMD640 chip
                          (not for PCI -- automatically detected)
 "ide0=qd65xx"          : probe/support qd65xx interface
 "ide0=ali14xx"         : probe/support ali14xx chipsets (ALI
 "ide0=umc8672"         : probe/support umc8672 chipsets

 "ide=doubler"          : probe/support IDE doublers on Amiga

There may be more options than shown -- use the source, Luke!

Everything else is rejected with a "BAD OPTION" message.

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