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Expansion of the Gospel


Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am former
Mrs Fatima Aisha Momoh, now Mrs Mary Momoh, a widow to Late
Sheik Mohammed Momoh, I am 62years old, I am now a new Christian convert,
suffering from long time cancer of the breast. From all indications,
my condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I may not
live more than six months, because the cancer stage has gotten to a very
severe stage.

My late husband was killed during the Gulf war, and during the period
of our marriage we had a son who was also killed in cold blood
during the Gulf war. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I
inherited his Estate/wealth. My personal physician told me
that I may not live for more than six months and I am so scared about
this. So, I have now decided to divide part of this wealth, by
contributing to the development of evangelism in Africa, America, Europe and Asian
Countries. This mission which will no doubt be tasking had made me to
recently relocated to Nigeria, Africa where I live presently.
I selected your church after visiting the website and i have prayed over
it,for this purpose I am willing to donate the sum of $10.000,000.00 Million US Dollars
to your Church/Ministry via you for the development of evangelism and
also as aids for the less privileged around you.

Please note that, this fund is lying in a Security Company in
my country and the company has branches, therefore my lawyer will
file an immediate application for the transfer of the money in the
name of your ministry. Please, do not reply me if you have the
intention of using this funds for personal use other than enhancement
of evangelism.I also want you to note that scams have been recorded like this
with unknown people using my name.The Good God we serve is out Watchtower and
even if men are deceived, we cannot deceive Him.

Lastly, I want you/your ministry to be praying for me as regards my
entire life and my health because I have come to find out since my
spiritual birth lately that wealth acquisition without Jesus Christ
in one's life is vanity upon vanity. If you have to die says the
Lord, keep fit and I will give you the crown of life.

May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the
sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.

I await your reply.

Yours in Christ,
Mrs Mary Momoh.
4A George Close

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