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Re: compartir una camara por internet

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 00:22:15 +0200
Amaya <amaya@debian.org> wrote:

> miguel dijo:
> > colgar el contenido en tiempo real en mi servidor web conoceis algun
> > programa q haga eso?
> ~-amaya@aenima>apt-cache search stream | grep video
> avifile-mjpeg-plugin - MJPEG video plugin
> camserv - stream video out onto the web
> camserv-relay - relay camserv streaming video
> camstream - collection of tools for webcams and other video-devices
> vstream - bttv video capture utility aimed at making MPEGs
> ffmpeg - Audio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file
> converter
> transcode - Utility to encode raw video/audio streams

Y además

vgrabbj - grabs a image from a camera and puts it in jpg/png format
webcam - capture and upload images

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