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Re: No consigo imprimir con lprng

Y el martes 14 de mayo, Ignacio García Fernández escribió:
> Mándanos el printcap y la situación de la impresora (local/remota)
Aquí está

# /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
# You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
# your own filters. See /etc/filter.ps, /etc/filter.pcl and
# the printcap(5) manual page for further details.
# rlp|Remote printer entry
#         :lp=
#         :rm=remotehost
#         :rp=remoteprinter
#         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remote
#         :mx#0
#         :sh:
:cm=Lexmark Z53

:cm=Lexmark Z53 raw

Se trata de una impresora local conectada mediante usb(usbview la
detecta correctamente).


Luis Arocha "Data"                                 o
http://data.united.net.kg          /|              \O__@
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Linux yoda 2.4.17 i686
Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.

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