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Re: recompilar kernel com DMA

Em Seg 18 Jul 2005 16:10, Leandro Santoro escreveu:
> Ronaldo,
> qual a saída do comando hdparm -I /dev/hda?
> abr,
> Leandro Santoro.



ATA device, with non-removable media
	Model Number:       Maxtor 6Y060L0                          
	Serial Number:      Y2VTKLCE            
	Firmware Revision:  YAR41BW0
	Supported: 7 6 5 4 
	Likely used: 7
	Logical		max	current
	cylinders	16383	16383
	heads		16	16
	sectors/track	63	63
	CHS current addressable sectors:   16514064
	LBA    user addressable sectors:  120103200
	device size with M = 1024*1024:       58644 MBytes
	device size with M = 1000*1000:       61492 MBytes (61 GB)
	LBA, IORDY(can be disabled)
	Queue depth: 1
	Standby timer values: spec'd by Standard, no device specific minimum
	R/W multiple sector transfer: Max = 16	Current = 16
	Advanced power management level: unknown setting (0x0000)
	Recommended acoustic management value: 192, current value: 254
	DMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 *udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5 udma6 
	     Cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns
	PIO: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 
	     Cycle time: no flow control=120ns  IORDY flow control=120ns
	Enabled	Supported:
	   *	NOP cmd
	   *	READ BUFFER cmd
	   *	WRITE BUFFER cmd
	   *	Host Protected Area feature set
	   *	Look-ahead
		Write cache
	   *	Power Management feature set
		Security Mode feature set
	   *	SMART feature set
	   *	FLUSH CACHE EXT command
	   *	Mandatory FLUSH CACHE command 
	   *	Device Configuration Overlay feature set 
	   *	Automatic Acoustic Management feature set 
		SET MAX security extension
		Advanced Power Management feature set
	   *	SMART self-test 
	   *	SMART error logging 
	Master password revision code = 65534
	not	enabled
	not	locked
	not	frozen
	not	expired: security count
	not	supported: enhanced erase
HW reset results:
	CBLID- above Vih
	Device num = 1 determined by the jumper
Checksum: correct

Quando tento usar o hdparm da isto:

 setting using_dma to 1 (on)
HDIO_SET_DMA failed: operation not permitted
 using_dma    =  0 (off)

Alguma Idéia?

Rangoon, Burma <--> O man, organ rub
                -- anagrama
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