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Hoje de madruga fui fazer um upgrade no meu debian e quando eu o fiz ele deu pau no sendmail que eu possuia... Bom vou passar o erro que esta dando na hora de configura-lo...

Alternate Names
In addition to the canonical mail name `crashoverride', you can
add any number of additional alternate names to recognize for receiving mail.
If other hosts are MXed to you for local mail, this is where you should list
them. This list is saved into the file /etc/mail/sendmail.cw so it can be
changed later as needed.
To answer this question, separate each alternate name with a space, or answer
`NONE' to eliminate all alternate names.
/usr/sbin/sendmailconfig: cw_file: command not found

Isso deu no dselect e tb no sendmailconfig e nao estou conseguindo resolver esse pequeno problema...
Entao tento desinstalar esse pacote e tento instalar o smail e tb nao obtive sucesso ele da um outro pau...

100% [Scanning packages]
dpkg: sendmail: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you request:
 mutt depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package smail which provides mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package sendmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 mailx depends on smail | mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package smail is not installed.
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package smail which provides mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package sendmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
 elm-me+ depends on mail-transport-agent; however:
  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package smail which provides mail-transport-agent is not installed.
  Package sendmail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
(Reading database ... 30510 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing sendmail ...
Stopping mail transport agent: dpkg: error processing sendmail (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

Eu ja fiz isso varia vezes e nunca deu erro agora so dando pau..
Acima dei um apt-get install smail, ele iria mudar o sendmail pelo smail mas dessa vez so esta dando erro, como poderia arrumar isso?

Valeu galera.....


http://www.zipmail.com.br   O e-mail que vai aonde você está.


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