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Xine nur noch ohne Bild


xine gibt hier auf einmal keine Bilder mehr aus. Der Ton geht.

Mit --verbose sagt xine u.a.:

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.6cvs.
(c) 2000-2007 The xine Team.
Built with xine library 1.1.14 (1.1.14)
Found xine library version: 1.1.14 (1.1.14).
main: probing <aadxr3> video output plugin
main: probing <dxr3> video output plugin
video_out_dxr3: Failed to open control device /dev/em8300-0 (No such file or directory)
main: probing <xv> video output plugin
video_out_xv: using Xv port 73 from adaptor ATI Radeon Video Overlay for hardware colour space conversion and scaling.
video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yuy2 format.
video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yv12 format.
main: probing <pulseaudio> audio output plugin
load_plugins: failed to load audio output plugin <pulseaudio>
main: probing <alsa> audio output plugin
audio_alsa_out : supported modes are 8bit 16bit 24bit 32bit mono stereo (4-channel not enabled in xine config) (4.1-channel not enabled in xine config) (5-channel not enabled in xine config) (5.1-channel not enabled in xine config) (a/52 and DTS pass-through not enabled in xine config)
osd: error loading font sans with ft2
osd: error loading font sans with ft2
osd: error loading font sans with ft2
video_out_xv: VO_PROP_ASPECT_RATIO(0)
	mrl: '1.mov',
	sub '1.txt',
	start_pos 0, start_time 0, av_offset 0, spu_offset 0.
xine: found input plugin  : file input plugin
xine: found demuxer plugin: Apple Quicktime (MOV) and MPEG-4 demux plugin
xine: found input plugin  : file input plugin
ebml: invalid master element
demux_dts: unsupported DTS stream type, or not a DTS stream
xine: couldn't find demux for >1.txt<
av_offset=0 pts
spu_offset=0 pts
ffmpeg_video_dec: direct rendering enabled
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]only 8 bits/component accepted
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c6)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]dqt: 16bit precision
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (cd)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]invalid id 246
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]invalid id 233
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (cd)
fixing sound card drift by -2996 pts
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]picture size invalid (0x0)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (cf)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]only 8 bits/component accepted
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]invalid id 41
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c5)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c9)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c1)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c7)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]huffman table decode error
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]picture size invalid (27318x28644)
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (c1)
fixing sound card drift by -2273 pts
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]dqt: 16bit precision
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]dqt: 16bit precision
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]only 8 bits/component accepted
[mjpeg @ 0xb61c7610]mjpeg: unsupported coding type (cb)
	mrl: 'file:/usr/share/xine/skins/xine-ui_logo.mpv',
	sub 'NONE',
	start_pos 0, start_time 0, av_offset 0, spu_offset 0.
xine: found input plugin  : file input plugin
ebml: invalid EBML ID size (0x0) at position 1
ebml: invalid master element
demux_dts: unsupported DTS stream type, or not a DTS stream
xine: found demuxer plugin: Elementary MPEG stream demux plugin
av_offset=0 pts
spu_offset=0 pts

Wenn ich xine explizit mit -V xshm aufrufe, bekomme ich zwar auch
Bilder. Aber die Qualität ist schlechter als früher, als ich keinen
Video-Driver angegeben habe (bei schnelleren Bewegungen fransen die
Konturen aus).

Welchen Video-Treiber xine früher automatisch gewählt hat, weiß
ich nicht, da es einfach funktioniert hat.

Wie bekomme ich mit xine die Bilder wieder automatisch angezeigt?

Danke + Gruß

PS: Ich fahre Lenny.

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