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Re: Gibt es eine Hardwareko mpatibilitätsliste

Am 2005-02-02 10:53:56, schrieb Christian Frommeyer:
> Michelle Konzack schrieb am Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2005 10:20:
> > Auch wenn mein Attachmentfilter ihn decodieren kann !
> Was setzt Du da denn ein?

Ein BASH-Scrpit.

Ich habe alle dateierweitereungen die ich Durch meinen Filter
geschickt haben will in die ~/.mailcap eingetragen wie:

  ____( '/home/michelle.konzack/.mailcap' )_____________________________
| # ----- User Section Begins ----- #
| application/octet-stream;             tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/pdf;                      tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput; description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf
| application/ppg-encrypted;            tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput; description=PGP Encrypted File; nametemplate=%s.ppg
| application/xml;                      tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-bzip;                   tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-bzip2;                  tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-deb;                    tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-gettext;                tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-gzip;                   tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-compressed-tar;         tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-debian-package;         tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-redhat-package-manager; tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-pdf;                    tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-perl;                   tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-php;                    tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-shellscript;            tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-sh;                     tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/x-zip-compressed;         tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| application/zip;                      tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| audio/mpeg;                           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/troff;                           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/vnd.wap.wml;                     tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-c;                             tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-csrc;                          tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-diff;                          tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-gettext-translation;           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-log;                           tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-vcard;                         tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-patch;                         tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-perl;                          tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput
| text/x-po;                            tdfileview %s;  copiousoutput

Das sind die Dateitypen, die 'mutt' nicht Freiwillig anzeigen will.
Hier ein ausschnitt aus meiner "Baustelle" (bin zur Zeit am ändern)

  ____( '/usr/bin/tdvileview' )_________________________________________
| VERSION=1.6.1
| if [ ! "$1" ] ; then 
|   echo $"Error: No inputfile specified."
|   exit 0
| fi
| RET=`echo "$1" |grep "__iso-8859-"`
| if [ "$RET" != "" ] ; then
|   DECODE=`echo "$1" |sed -e s,/tmp/,, -e s/__.*[isoISO]-8859-.*[0-9]_[Bb]_// -e s/__$// -e s/_$/=/  -e s/_$/=/ |base64-decode`
|   IN=/tmp/$DECODE
|   cp "$1" "$IN"
|   echo ""
|   echo $"Warning:  Name of attachment \"$DECODE\" is base64 encoded"
|   echo ""
| else
|   IN="$1"
| fi
| if [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".tgz$"` ]    || [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".tpz$"` ]   || \
|    [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".tar.gz$"` ] || [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".tar.z$"` ] || \
|    [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".tar.Z$"` ] ; then
|   echo "Viewing with: Filter 1 (version 1)"
|   echo ""
|   gzip -dc "$IN" 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
| elif [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".tar.bz$"` ] ; then


| elif [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".rpm$"` ] ; then
|   echo "Viewing with: Filter 23 (version 1)"
|   echo ""
|   rpm -qip "$IN" 
|   echo "" 
|   echo "Filelist:" 
|   rpm2cpio "$IN" | cpio -itv --quiet
| elif [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".deb$"` ] ; then
|   echo "Viewing with: Filter 24 (version 1)"
|   echo ""
|   ar p "$IN" control.tar.gz | tar xzO ./control
|   echo "" 
|   echo "Filelist:" 
|   ar p "$IN" data.tar.gz | tar tzv | sed -r s/^.{20}//


| elif [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".mp3$"` ] || [ `echo "$IN" |grep -E ".mpa$"` ]; then
|   echo "Viewing with: Filter 31 (version 2)"
|   echo ""
|   echo $"MPEG ID3 Tag:"
|   echo $"============="
|   mp3info -x -p "File:            %f\nTitle:           %t\nTrack:           %n\nArtist:          %a\nAlbum:             %l\nYear:            %y\nComment:           %c\nGenre:           %g (%G)\n" "$IN"
|   echo ""
|   echo $"MPEG technical informations:"
|   echo $"============================"
|   mp3info -x -p "Media Type:      MPEG %3.1v Layer %L\nRate:            %r KB/s, %q KHz (%o)\nEmphasis:        %e\nCRC:             %E\nCopyright:       %C\nOriginal:        %O\nPadding:         %p\nTime:            %m:%s\nGood Frames:     %u\nCorrupt Frames:  %b\n" "$IN"
| else
|   echo "Viewing with: Filter *"
|   echo ""
|   RETVAL=`file "$IN"`
|   RETVAL=`echo $RETVAL |sed s,"$IN"\:\ ,,`
|   echo "$RETVAL" |grep "ASCII" >/dev/null 2>&1
|   RETVAL=$?
|   if [ $RETVAL ] ; then
|     cat "$IN"
|   else
|     echo $"Error while trying to view:  $IN"
|     echo 
|     echo $"File format not recognized by 'tdfileview' version $VERSION."
|     echo
|     echo $"If you mean it is possibel to view it, "
|     echo $"mail an short messages with your wish to: "
|     echo
|     echo $"Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle@freenet.de> "
|     echo $"with the SUBJECT [tdfileview] writen with the brackets."
|   fi
| fi
| rm -f $IN

> Gruß Chris


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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