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Re: Downloadmanager

sssssrichter@gmx.de <SvenRichter@debian.xs4all> schrieb:

> gibts eigentlich fuer Debian(Linux) einen Downloadmanager,
> der mehrere Connections zu einem Download aufbauen kann?

ulli@momos:~$ man proz

*ProZilla* is a program that makes multiple connections and
downloads a file in multiple parts simultaneously thus enhancing the
download speed  and  downloading  the file faster than a download
with a single connection.

*ProZilla* is also able to do ftp searches for other possible sites
that contain the same file, ping them for connection speeds  and
automatically  download  from the fastest site, or ask the user to
choose one.

Gruß - Ulli	    
		    Microsoft isn't the answer.
		    Microsoft is the question, 
		    and the answer is no.   	-- Grant Edwards

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