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AVM Fritzcard PCI und CAPI Problem.

Hi allerseitzt,
ich habe die Anleitung von http://www.pl-forum.de/t_hardware/howto_fritz_pci2.0.html         befolgt.
# card          file    proto   io      irq     mem     cardnr  options
fcpci              -        -        -        -        -            -
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: AVM FRITZ!Card PCI driver, revision 0.4
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: (fcpci built on May 20 2003 at 13:57:55)
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: Loading...
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: Driver 'fcpci' attached to stack
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: kcapi: driver fcpci attached
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: Auto-attaching...
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 02:07.0
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:1d.0
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 01:00.0
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: Error: Invalid parameters (base=0xece0, irq=11)
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: Not loaded.
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: kcapi: driver fcpci detached
May 20 14:14:39 hkw05-neu kernel: fcpci: Driver 'fcpci' detached
lspci -v
02:07.0 Network controller: AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH A1 ISDN [Fritz] (rev 02)
        Subsystem: AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH FRITZ!Card ISDN Controller
        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 11
        Memory at fe1ffc00 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=32]
        I/O ports at ece0 [size=32]
Nach dem ich capiinit start eingebe erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/fcpci.o will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - Proprietary
/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/fcpci.o: init_module: Input/output error
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/fcpci.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/fcpci.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.20/misc/fcpci.o: insmod fcpci failed
ERROR: failed to load driver fcpci
Hat jemand eine Ahnung was da schief läuft?
Viktor Dihor
Fernwärme Ulm GmbH
Tel. +49-731-3992-267
Fax. +49-731-3 65 46
Einsteinstr. 20
89077 Ulm

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