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Re: Fonts unter X nach update

* Marcus Frings <iam-est-hora-surgere@fuckmicrosoft.com> [17-05-2003 19:56]:

> ,----
> | marcus@xenon:~$ man fc-cache
> | Kein Manual-Eintrag für fc-cache vorhanden
> `----

Naja, so viel steht nicht drin:

       fc-cache, fonts.cache - create an index of FreeType font files in a directory

       fc-cache [directory-name ... ]

       If  directory  arguments are not given, fc-cache uses each directory in the current
       font configuration.  Each directory is scanned for font files readable by FreeType.
       A  cache is created which contains properties of each font and the associated file­
       name.  This cache is used to speed application startup when  using  the  fontconfig

       fonts.cache    Maps  file names to font properties.  Read by the fontconfig library
                      at application startup to locate appropriate fonts.


In 'man 3 fontconfig' findest du noch:

       This element contains a file name for the per-user cache of font  information.   If
       it  starts with '~', it refers to a file in the users home directory.  This file is
       used to hold information about fonts that isn't present in the per-directory  cache
       files.   It is automatically maintained by the fontconfig library.  The default for
       this file is ``~/.fonts.cache-<version>'', where <version> is the  font  configura­
       tion file version number (currently 1).

Du wolltest ja nur einen Denkanstoß. :-)

Gruss Uwe

PS: $ X -version
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 (Debian 4.3.0-0woody4 20030319134005 rnolden@intel.nolden)
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6

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