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debian on iBook-install problem

Hi to all,

I successfully installed a debian version on a new partition of my iBook but
I need the special BenH - Kernel in order to run it properly.

The problems now are that I can't install any C-dev package, can't install
xwindows and need other PPC specific features like Airport support anyway.

Can anyone tell how I can establish an FTP or http connection with this
version of debian I have installed now ?
I can only say that I got it from the net install page and kernelversion
shows me a 2.4.

Someone recommended using curl,wget or ftp command but I could't find any of
them. Surprisingly he updates the package list using dselect successfully
(when using eth) so I know that it is supported. Just don't know which
command to use or where to find it - sorry still Linux newbie.

Thanks in advance

-- A l e x

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