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Fwd: dash bug which is affecting release goal

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On Sun, 10 Feb 2008 21:40:14 Raphael Geissert wrote:
I've already changed my /bin/sh and I've found very very few
broken/missbehaving scripts.
And as a great pro my boot time is more than 50% faster now, not to mention
that the overall /bin/sh scripts run faster now.

Debian should ensure that millions of Debian users around
the world who have written and tested millions of tiny shell
scripts with no thought to the possibility that /bin/sh may
one day become not-bash will not suffer millions of hours
of down time (or worse - bad data) due to a Debian change.

People know that upgrading a system is a risk. There are presumably way more Debian machine that boot every day than once a year. At least these machines which boot every day generate many more boots than those which boot only once every kernel security update. So the benefit of faster desktop/laptop systems cannot be ignored. I can tell you that I hate it when I have to wait several minutes for my laptop to boot in the airplane to give the final touch to my talk when I know I'll have to switch it off soon for landing (not just to sleep, off).

On *production* Debian systems, saving 30 seconds in a boot
which may occur once a year for a kernel security update is
not worth a single broken script, nor a single failed backup,
nor a single lost data bit.

Fortunately, *those* users will read the release notes carefully and audit their scripts if they can (allowing for one week of testing of the new system on one machine), or change back /bin/sh to be /bin/ bash if they want to be on the safe side. After all after Lenny is out, they still have one year of Etch security update before they have to switch, that's plenty of time for a smooth upgrade.

Regards, Thibaut.

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