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Re: arrêt d'un portable

bernard.schoenacker@free.fr a écrit :


est il possible de connaitre la liste des paquets spécifiques
à un ordi portable installés ainsi que la version du noyau ....
prière de communiquer quel est l'environnement
graphique utilisé :

-a) gnome
-b) kde
-c) xfce4

voici ce qu'il est conseillé de controler :

-a) apm ou acpi en modules ( modconf )

voici le lien pour les ordi portables :


autrement voici ce qui est dispo pour apm

apt-cache search laptop apm
acpitool - a small, convenient command-line ACPI client
apmd - Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)
battery-stats - Collects statistics about charge of laptop batteries
gkrellm-ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops - gkrellm plugin
ibam - Advanced battery monitor for laptops
libapm-dev - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
libapm1 - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
lphdisk - prepares hibernation partition for Phoenix NoteBIOS
powersaved - power management daemon
sleepd - puts an inactive or low battery laptop to sleep
toshutils - Toshiba laptop utilities
wmbattery - display laptop battery info, dockable in WindowMaker
xapm - X program to monitor APM battery status
xbattbar - Display battery status in X11

 apt-cache search laptop acpi
acpi-support - scripts for handling many ACPI events
acpitool - a small, convenient command-line ACPI client
apmd - Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)
batmon.app - Battery monitor for GNUstep
fnfxd - ACPI and hotkey daemon for Toshiba laptops
powersaved - power management daemon
sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel
sleepd - puts an inactive or low battery laptop to sleep
toshutils - Toshiba laptop utilities
wmbattery - display laptop battery info, dockable in WindowMaker

 apt-cache search laptop power
acpi-support - scripts for handling many ACPI events
apmd - Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)
gkrellm-i8k - Dell Inspiron and Latitude module for GKrellM2 (i8krellm)
gnome-applets - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binary files
gnome-power-manager - frontend for gnome-powermanager
klaptopdaemon - battery monitoring and management for laptops using KDE
kmilo - laptop special keys support for KDE
laptop-mode-tools - Scripts to spin down hard drive and save power
libapm-dev - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
libapm1 - Library for interacting with APM driver in kernel
noflushd - allow idle hard disks to spin down
powersaved - power management daemon
sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel
toshutils - Toshiba laptop utilities
xapm - X program to monitor APM battery status
xresprobe - X Resolution Probe
backuppc - high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs


Merci, je vais chercher dans ce sens, mais pour l'instant il ne s'arrête toujours pas !!!

Si je t'ai bien suivi : c'est soit acpi OU apm et je suis obligé de passer par une compilation du kernel ????


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