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Re: 2GB de RAM et noyau 2.2.20

Option de compilation du noyau 2.2.x:

Ca devrait répondre à ta question (2ème paragraphe et suivant)

François Boisson


Linux can use up to 64 Gigabytes of physical memory on x86 systems.
However, the address space of 32-bit x86 processors is only 4
Gigabytes large. That means that, if you have a large amount of
physical memory, not all of it can be "permanently mapped" by the
kernel. The physical memory that's not permanently mapped is called
"high memory".

If you are compiling a kernel which will never run on a machine with
more than 960 megabytes of total physical RAM, answer "off" here (default
choice and suitable for most users). This will result in a "3GB/1GB"
split: 3GB are mapped so that each process sees a 3GB virtual memory
space and the remaining part of the 4GB virtual memory space is used
by the kernel to permanently map as much physical memory as

If the machine has between 1 and 4 Gigabytes physical RAM, then
answer "4GB" here.

If more than 4 Gigabytes is used then answer "64GB" here. This
selection turns Intel PAE (Physical Address Extension) mode on.
PAE implements 3-level paging on IA32 processors. PAE is fully
supported by Linux, PAE mode is implemented on all recent Intel
processors (Pentium Pro and better). NOTE: If you say "64GB" here,
then the kernel will not boot on CPUs that don't support PAE!

The actual amount of total physical memory will either be auto
detected or can be forced by using a kernel command line option such
as "mem=256M". (Try "man bootparam" or see the documentation of your
boot loader (grub, lilo or loadlin) about how to pass options to the
kernel at boot time.)

If unsure, say "off".

On Wed, 07 May 2003 15:54:49 +0200
Luc Santeramo <luc.santeramo@univ-avignon.fr> wrote:

> Bonjour,
> Je viens d'installer 2 barrettes de 1Go de RAM ECC sur un serveur
> tournant sous Debian 3.0r1 avec un noyau 2.2.20 compact
> Quand je lance la commande "free" j'ai une mémoire total de 971176ko
> J'ai ajouté dans lilo.conf append="mem=2000M" puis executé la commande
> "lilo" mais rien ne change apres le reboot
> j'ai essayé en specifiant mem=2G
> ca ne fonctionne pas non plus
> mais mem=600M fonctionne :(
> Ya t il une limitation sur les noyaux 2.2.x ?
> je n'ai pas trouvé d'info sur le net......
> qq'un aurait il qques infos a ce sujet svp ?
> merci
> Luc
> -- 
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