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[Debian]:Re: ALT != META in XEmacs 21

Pascal Tilgner <pascal@tilchna.de> writes:

[Meta & Alt & XEmacs21]

Mit der attachten ~/.Xmodmap gehts bei mir ohne probs.  Wenn du startx
verwendest sollte die defaulmässig installiert werden, somst ruf
'xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap' auf.

! This is an `xmodmap' input file for PC 102 key #2 (Linux/XFree86; German) keyboards.
! Automatically generated on Wed Jan 20 18:27:10 1999 by andy with
! XKeyCaps 2.42; Copyright (c) 1998 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@netscape.com>.
! http://people.netscape.com/jwz/xkeycaps/
! This file makes the following changes:
! The "Druck S-Abf" key generates Print and Execute
! The "Rollen" key generates Scroll_Lock, and the Mod5 modifier
! The "Pause Untbr" key generates Pause and Break
! The "° ^" key generates asciicircum, degree, and notsign
! The "! 1  ¹" key generates 1, exclam, onesuperior, and exclamdown
! The "" 2  ²" key generates 2, quotedbl, twosuperior, and oneeighth
! The "§ 3  ³" key generates 3, section, threesuperior, and sterling
! The "$ 4  £" key generates 4, dollar, onequarter, and currency
! The "% 5  ¬" key generates 5, percent, onehalf, and threeeighths
! The "& 6  ©" key generates 6, ampersand, threequarters, and fiveeighths
! The "/ 7  {" key generates 7, slash, braceleft, and seveneighths
! The "( 8  [" key generates 8, parenleft, bracketleft, and trademark
! The ") 9  ]" key generates 9, parenright, bracketright, and plusminus
! The "= 0  }" key generates 0, equal, braceright, and degree
! The "ß ?  \" key generates ssharp, question, backslash, and questiondown
! The "' `" key generates acute, grave, dead_cedilla, and dead_ogonek
! The "Einfg" key generates Insert
! The "Num Lock" key generates Num_Lock and Pointer_EnableKeys
! The "Tab" key generates Tab and ISO_Left_Tab
! The "Q    @" key generates q, Q, at, and Greek_OMEGA
! The "W" key generates w, W, lstroke, and Lstroke
! The "E" key generates e and E
! The "R" key generates r, R, paragraph, and registered
! The "T" key generates t, T, tslash, and Tslash
! The "Z" key generates z, Z, leftarrow, and yen
! The "U" key generates u, U, downarrow, and uparrow
! The "I" key generates i, I, rightarrow, and idotless
! The "O" key generates o, O, oslash, and Ooblique
! The "P" key generates p, P, thorn, and THORN
! The "Ü" key generates udiaeresis, Udiaeresis, dead_diaeresis, and dead_abovering
! The "* +  ~" key generates plus, asterisk, asciitilde, and dead_macron
! The "7 Pos1" key generates KP_Home and KP_7
! The "8 UpArrow" key generates KP_Up and KP_8
! The "9 Bild ^" key generates KP_Prior and KP_9
! The "A" key generates a, A, ae, and AE
! The "S" key generates s, S, ssharp, and section
! The "D" key generates d, D, eth, and ETH
! The "F" key generates f, F, dstroke, and ordfeminine
! The "G" key generates g, G, eng, and ENG
! The "H" key generates h, H, hstroke, and Hstroke
! The "J" key generates j and J
! The "K" key generates k, K, kra, and ampersand
! The "L" key generates l, L, lstroke, and Lstroke
! The "Ö" key generates odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, dead_acute, and dead_doubleacute
! The "Ä" key generates adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, dead_circumflex, and dead_caron
! The "4 LeftArrow" key generates KP_Left and KP_4
! The "5" key generates KP_Begin and KP_5
! The "6 RightArrow" key generates KP_Right and KP_6
! The "Y" key generates y, Y, guillemotleft, and less
! The "X" key generates x, X, guillemotright, and greater
! The "C" key generates c, C, cent, and copyright
! The "V" key generates v, V, leftdoublequotemark, and grave
! The "B" key generates b, B, rightdoublequotemark, and apostrophe
! The "N" key generates n and N
! The "M   µ" key generates m, M, mu, and masculine
! The "; ," key generates comma, semicolon, horizconnector, and multiply
! The ": ." key generates period, colon, periodcentered, and division
! The "_ -" key generates minus, underscore, dead_belowdot, and dead_abovedot
! The "1 Ende" key generates KP_End and KP_1
! The "2 DownArrow" key generates KP_Down and KP_2
! The "3 Bild v" key generates KP_Next and KP_3
! The "> <  |" key generates less, greater, bar, and brokenbar
! The "Alt" key generates Alt_L and Meta_L, and the Mod1 modifier
! The "Alt Gr" key generates Mode_switch and Multi_key, and the Mod3 modifier
! The "' #" key generates numbersign, apostrophe, dead_grave, and dead_breve
! The "0 Einfg" key generates KP_Insert and KP_0
! The ", Entf" key generates KP_Delete and KP_Decimal

keycode 0x09 =	Escape
keycode 0x43 =	F1
keycode 0x44 =	F2
keycode 0x45 =	F3
keycode 0x46 =	F4
keycode 0x47 =	F5
keycode 0x48 =	F6
keycode 0x49 =	F7
keycode 0x4A =	F8
keycode 0x4B =	F9
keycode 0x4C =	F10
keycode 0x5F =	F11
keycode 0x60 =	F12
keycode 0x6F =	Print		Execute
keycode 0x4E =	Scroll_Lock
keycode 0x6E =	Pause		Break
keycode 0x31 =	asciicircum	degree		notsign
keycode 0x0A =	1		exclam		onesuperior	exclamdown
keycode 0x0B =	2		quotedbl	twosuperior	oneeighth
keycode 0x0C =	3		section		threesuperior	sterling
keycode 0x0D =	4		dollar		onequarter	currency
keycode 0x0E =	5		percent		onehalf		threeeighths
keycode 0x0F =	6		ampersand	threequarters	fiveeighths
keycode 0x10 =	7		slash		braceleft	seveneighths
keycode 0x11 =	8		parenleft	bracketleft	trademark
keycode 0x12 =	9		parenright	bracketright	plusminus
keycode 0x13 =	0		equal		braceright	degree
keycode 0x14 =	ssharp		question	backslash	questiondown
keycode 0x15 =	acute		grave		dead_cedilla	dead_ogonek
keycode 0x16 =	BackSpace
keycode 0x6A =	Insert
keycode 0x61 =	Home
keycode 0x63 =	Prior
keycode 0x4D =	Num_Lock	Pointer_EnableKeys
keycode 0x70 =	KP_Divide
keycode 0x3F =	KP_Multiply
keycode 0x52 =	KP_Subtract
keycode 0x17 =	Tab		ISO_Left_Tab
keycode 0x18 =	q		Q		at		Greek_OMEGA
keycode 0x19 =	w		W		lstroke		Lstroke
keycode 0x1A =	e		E
keycode 0x1B =	r		R		paragraph	registered
keycode 0x1C =	t		T		tslash		Tslash
keycode 0x1D =	z		Z		leftarrow	yen
keycode 0x1E =	u		U		downarrow	uparrow
keycode 0x1F =	i		I		rightarrow	idotless
keycode 0x20 =	o		O		oslash		Ooblique
keycode 0x21 =	p		P		thorn		THORN
keycode 0x22 =	udiaeresis	Udiaeresis	dead_diaeresis	dead_abovering
keycode 0x23 =	plus		asterisk	asciitilde	dead_macron
keycode 0x6B =	Delete
keycode 0x67 =	End
keycode 0x69 =	Next
keycode 0x4F =	KP_Home		KP_7
keycode 0x50 =	KP_Up		KP_8
keycode 0x51 =	KP_Prior	KP_9
keycode 0x56 =	KP_Add
keycode 0x42 =	Caps_Lock
keycode 0x26 =	a		A		ae		AE
keycode 0x27 =	s		S		ssharp		section
keycode 0x28 =	d		D		eth		ETH
keycode 0x29 =	f		F		dstroke		ordfeminine
keycode 0x2A =	g		G		eng		ENG
keycode 0x2B =	h		H		hstroke		Hstroke
keycode 0x2C =	j		J
keycode 0x2D =	k		K		kra		ampersand
keycode 0x2E =	l		L		lstroke		Lstroke
keycode 0x2F =	odiaeresis	Odiaeresis	dead_acute	dead_doubleacute
keycode 0x30 =	adiaeresis	Adiaeresis	dead_circumflex	dead_caron
keycode 0x24 =	Return
keycode 0x53 =	KP_Left		KP_4
keycode 0x54 =	KP_Begin	KP_5
keycode 0x55 =	KP_Right	KP_6
keycode 0x32 =	Shift_L
keycode 0x34 =	y		Y		guillemotleft	less
keycode 0x35 =	x		X		guillemotright	greater
keycode 0x36 =	c		C		cent		copyright
keycode 0x37 =	v		V		leftdoublequotemark	grave
keycode 0x38 =	b		B		rightdoublequotemark	apostrophe
keycode 0x39 =	n		N
keycode 0x3A =	m		M		mu		masculine
keycode 0x3B =	comma		semicolon	horizconnector	multiply
keycode 0x3C =	period		colon		periodcentered	division
keycode 0x3D =	minus		underscore	dead_belowdot	dead_abovedot
keycode 0x3E =	Shift_R
keycode 0x62 =	Up
keycode 0x57 =	KP_End		KP_1
keycode 0x58 =	KP_Down		KP_2
keycode 0x59 =	KP_Next		KP_3
keycode 0x6C =	KP_Enter
keycode 0x25 =	Control_L
keycode 0x5E =	less		greater		bar		brokenbar
keycode 0x40 =	Alt_L		Meta_L
keycode 0x41 =	space
keycode 0x71 =	Mode_switch	Multi_key
keycode 0x33 =	numbersign	apostrophe	dead_grave	dead_breve
keycode 0x6D =	Control_R
keycode 0x64 =	Left
keycode 0x68 =	Down
keycode 0x66 =	Right
keycode 0x5A =	KP_Insert	KP_0
keycode 0x5B =	KP_Delete	KP_Decimal

clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5

add    Shift   = Shift_L Shift_R
add    Lock    = Caps_Lock
add    Control = Control_L Control_R
add    Mod1    = Alt_L
add    Mod2    = Num_Lock
add    Mod3    = Mode_switch
add    Mod5    = Scroll_Lock
> PS: Mir ist klar, dass ich die ESC Taste als Ersatz nehmen kann,
> aber das ist einfach nicht das Selbe...
ACK ;-)

HTH, Andi
Andreas Rottmann     | Dru@ICQ      | 54523380@ICQ | a.rottmann@gmx.at
Pfeilgasse 4-6/725   | A-1080 Wien  | Austria      | Europe
http://www.8ung.at/rotty            | GnuPG Key: www.8ung.at/rotty/dru.asc
Fingerprint          | 3E9A C485 49A4 1D17 2EA7  2BA7 22AE C9BF 8173 6279
[one of 78,35% Austrians who didn´t vote for Haider!]

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