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Re: [Debian]:MAC Adresse aendern

On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 11:28:08AM +0100, Matthias Berse wrote:
> Hallo Zusammen,


> vor ein paar Wochen war schonmal ein Posting auf der Liste in dem es
> darum ging die MAC Adresse einer Netzwerkkarte zu aendern. Leider
> finde ich nix mehr im Archiv (vielleicht bin ich ja auch zu bloed?).
> Ich waere Euch dankbar fuer ein RTFM oder einen Link zu diesem Thema.
> Und ja ich weiss schon, dass man sowas eigentlich nicht tun soll, aber
> darum solls ja nicht gehen.

changemac[1] ist dein freund. hier die ersten paar zeilen aus'm source.
besonders witzig um einen ARP detektor im LAN zu verarschen, ist option
'-r' :*)


 *  In P51-02 someone mentioned Ethernet spoofing.  Here you go.
 *  This tiny program can be used to trick some smart / switching hubs.
 *  AWL production: (General Public License v2)
 *      changemac  version 1.0  (2.20.1998)
 *  changemac  --   change MAC address of your ethernet card.
 *  changemac [-l] | [-d number ] [ -r | -a address ]
 *      -d number       number of ethernet device, 0 for eth0, 1 for eth1 ...
 *                      if -d option is not specify default value is 0 (eth0)
 *      -h              help for changemac command
 *      -a address      address format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
 *      -r              set random MAC address for ethernet card
 *      -l              list first three MAC bytes of known ethernet vendors
 *                      (this list is not compleet, anyone who know some more
 *                      information about MAC addresses can mail me)
 *  changemac does not change hardware address, it just change data in
 *  structure of kernel driver for your card.  Next boot on your computer will
 *  read real MAC form your hardware.
 *  The changed MAC stays as long as your box is running, (or as long as next
 *  successful changemac).
 *  It will not work if kernel is already using that ethernet device.  In that
 *  case you have to turn off that device (ifconfig eth0 down).
 *  I use changemac in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 (slackware, or redhat) just line
 *  before ifconfig for ethernet device (/sbin/ifconfig eth0 ...)
 *  The author will be very pleased if you can learn something form this code.
 *  Updates of this code can be found on:
 *  http://galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu/~azdaja/changemac.html
 *  Sugestions and comments can be sent to author:
 *  Milos Prodanovic <azdaja@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu>


[1] ftp://ftp.eniac.ch.eu.org/pub/tombstone/source/changemac.c

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