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Error amule

Bon dia a tothom! 

Començo dient que ahir estava content perquè vaig passar de Sarge a Sid
amb només un problema amb els accents i amb el ratolí, però avui veig
que no apareix amule per cap lloc...es troba instal.lat però quan
l'intento engegar en dona un error de llibreria.

En realitzar l'execució d'amule:

amule: Symbol `_ZTV11wxSpinEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV14wxTextCtrlBase' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV16wxDatagramSocket' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV8wxSlider' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV14wxSocketServer' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV7wxTimer' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV14wxCommandEvent' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV18wxGenericValidator' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV20wxNavigationKeyEvent' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV12wxFocusEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTI7wxSizer' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV6wxMenu' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV7wxImage' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV17wxGenericListCtrl' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV16wxScrolledWindow' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV13wxSocketEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxTreeCtrl' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxListItem' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV12wxTimerEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV7wxGauge' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxListBase' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxRadioBox' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV8wxChoice' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV11wxListEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV11wxImageList' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV8wxObject' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxClientDC' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV13wxNotifyEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV15wxNotebookEvent' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV5wxPen' has different size in shared object, consider
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxMenuBase' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV14wxBitmapButton' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV16wxZipInputStream' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV7wxFrame' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV8wxButton' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxTextCtrl' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV8wxBitmap' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV6wxFont' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV12wxCloseEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV6wxIcon' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxSpinCtrl' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxCheckBox' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV18wxGenericImageList' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV16wxSplitterWindow' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV9wxControl' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV16wxTopLevelWindow' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV7wxBrush' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV12wxMouseEvent' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV7wxPanel' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV10wxListCtrl' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV8wxColour' has different size in shared object,
consider re-linking
amule: Symbol `_ZTV17wxGenericTreeCtrl' has different size in shared
object, consider re-linking
Fatal Error: Mismatch between the program and library build versions
The library used 2.6 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 102,wx
containers,compatible with 2.4),
and your program used 2.6 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI
1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4).

He trobat alguna cosa de wxGTK però no sé pas. 
També tenia problemes amb libwxgtk i libwxbase quan vaig passar de Sarge
a Sid, podrien esser aquestes llibreries? Hauria de compilar amule ?

Gràcies a tots !

Carles C.N.

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