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Re: x11amp installation problems

On Mon, Jun 07, 1999 at 04:26:09PM -0500, Nadarajah, Dinesh wrote:
> I have been trying to install x11amp for quite sometime now but I keep
> running into installation problems. I tried it with both the .deb package
> (from www.debian .org) as well as the source. I get the following error:
> Libc6 conflicts with apt.
> FYI: x11amp requires a newer version of libc6 but when I try to install that
> it says there is a conflict with apt.
> Any help???

My first impression is to tell you that you probably don't want to upgrade to
libc6 2.1 as some people (myself included) have had problems with it.  That
said, if you do decide to go the libc6 2.1 route, you should consider
upgrading your whole system to potato.  It's an easy process (apt-get
update && apt-get dist-upgrade).

That said, what I'd do (and have done) is compile x11amp on your own.  You'll
need libgtk1.2-dev, libglib1.2-dev, esound-dev, libimlib-dev (may be
gdk-imlib... anyway, all the stuff that's related to gtk v1.2)  then get the
source from www.x11amp.org, extract and compile.

btw, if you can't find libgtk1.2-dev and its relatives, they're hiding in the
gnome staging area.  Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list.

deb ftp://gnomeftp.wgn.net/pub/gnome/gnome-1.0/debian slink main


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