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Re: Quick mounting question

On Sun, 6 Jun 1999, Brian May wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 06, 1999 at 12:34:23AM -0500, Brad wrote:
> It was my assumption that the original poster hadn't made any changes
> to the old /lib directory - hence the only change required
> is to remove the fstab entry and reboot...
> However, if the original poster had deleted the original /lib
> directory, then procedure below would be required.

If the poster had left it mounted for a while, the libs could easily have
been modified such that the old ones wouldn't work.

As a worst-case, start with slink, mount the drive, upgrade to potato
(glibc 2.1)... When you unmount, everything not still linked against 2.0.7
will fail. bash, ls, mount, etc...

> > > Now for the bad news - mounting /lib on another partition will not work
> > > (someone please tell me if I am wrong) because the libraries in it are
> > > required for booting the computer, and before partitions other then
> > > the root partition have been mounted. If you can find a to
> > > boot up to the point where /lib is mounted, everything should
> > > be OK....
> > 
> > i _think_ it might be ok, but don't quote me on that. At any rate, /usr
> > would be a much better thing to stick on a separate partition.
> This is the first problem you will have:
> # ldd /sbin/init
> 	libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x4000f000)
> 	/lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)
> /sbin/init is the first program to run after the kernel has been booted.
> It needs the above files from /lib otherwise it wont work.

Which is why i said "don't quote me on that" ;)

> Now, if /sbin/init, /sbin/mount, /bin/sh, etc were all statically linked,
> it might work, but that is a topic for another thread.

sash will take care of /sbin/mount and replace /bin/sh... Sort of. Sash
seems more of a csh clone than sh.

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