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Re: netscape 4.6

On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Brian Servis wrote:

> The communicator/netscape v4.6 as well as X and a few other
> newer debs for slink can be found at, http://ftp.netgod.net/x, or add
> the line below to your sources.list file for apt.  This is a Debian
> developers site, they are built from the potato sources against a slink
> system, so they are safe.
> deb http://ftp.netgod.net/ x/

I pointed apt to the above uri, but doing "apt-get install
navigator-smotif-46" made it complain about the netscape-base-4 package.
It seems i have version 5 installed, and it needs version 10. Version 10
is in potato. Trying to install that one, apt complains about glibc 2.1

Is there a way to avoid my problem?


--:: Nico Galoppo ::--------------------------------------------------
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