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Duplicating installations

Hello all,

I'd just like a leeetle bit of hand holding, please. I've three
machines, preinstalled with slink, that should be kept identical. I'm
tailoring the first machine and have had to add a package here and
there to get the functionality i need. I've kept good notes on what
I've done so far, but it seems that i should be able to duplicate the
package selection on all three machines quite easily. From the dpkg
man page:

       To make a local copy of the package selection states:
            dpkg --get-selections >myselections

       You  might  transfer  this  file  to another computer, and
       install it there with:
            dpkg --set-selections <myselections

So would a script (fragment) like this work?

	dselect update
	dpkg --set-selections < DuplicatedSelectionFile
	dselect install

deselect is set up with a good apt/sources.list.

Is there a way to turn off the confirmation request when doing the

So far the packages I've had to add haven't required any configuration
-- if they do, i'd want to script the configuration, too. I presume i
can just script the responses package by package using:

	dpkg --configure package < ConFigureResponses

Thanks in advance,


Judith E. Bush                                          jbush@fi.edu
The Franklin Institute Science Museum           New Media Specialist
222 N. 20th Street                                  1 (215) 448-1236
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1194 USA                    AOL IM judielaine

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