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Pop authentication from a Netware server?

Hello.  I've almost convinced a company to use a Linux box for mail service 
on their network of 15 workstations.  They're running Novell 5 as their
main network OS.

What I've proposed to them is to install a Linux box to connect to their
dual ISDN Internet connection, and to run their mail service from the Linux 
box.  Essentially I just plan on popping mail from the Linux box to
whatever mail client they want to use.

What I would like to avoid is separate passwords for email and for logging
into the network.  Any ideas on how to achieve this?  I've noticed that
there's a pam module for Netware - is qpopper capable of using that module?

Thanks for _any_ insight,
+------------------------- pgp key available --------------------------+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer    |
| dmartin@clifton-labs.com    |    http://www.clifton-labs.com         |

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